Friday, February 08, 2008

Report shows that social media may be recession-proof

Report shows that social media may be recession-proof

Despite the economic downturn, marketers will likely continue to invest in social media, according to a Forrester Research study. A combination of the cost effectiveness of many social media applications along with their ability to produce measurable results, could allow social media to not only survive but thrive in a possible recession, the report says. Social marketing may also be more resilient than traditional media. For example, Procter & Gamble's online community for adolescent girls,, is four times as effective as a similarly priced marketing program in traditional media, reports Adweek.

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Aricept dominates newly diagnosed Alzheimer's disease patient share

Aricept dominates newly diagnosed Alzheimer's disease patient share

Physician familiarity and a better side effect and safety profile are among the factors leading to high Aricept prescription rates, according to a report from Decision Resources. The Eisai/Pfizer drug has a 42.4% patient share for first-line treatment for newly diagnosed Alzheimer's disease, the report says. That's compared to Novartis's Exelon, which has a 2.8% share, and Shire/Janssen/Ortho-McNeil's Razadyne with a 1.4% share. The patient share data is from a report that's part of Decision Resources' Treatment Algorithms Insight Series. The reports in the series examine different diseases and provide qualitative diagnosis and referral patterns, quantitative treatment algorithms, physician opinions, and other data.

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