Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Video detailing company signs two top-10 pharma companies

Video detailing company signs two top-10 pharma companies

Aptilon Corporation, which provides video detailing, says it has signed
specialty brand agreements with two top-10 pharma companies. Sales reps
will use AxcelRx Live to provide live education of their participating
specialty brands to key targeted physicians. Specialty physicians will
also be targeted with supplemental educational services, such as
self-directed online presentations. Aptilon also links physicians to
biopharma-sponsored programs through its ReachNet physician access
channel, a network of Web sites, with access to more than 450,000
opted-in physicians. According to the company, the rep-physician
interactions average eight to 10 minutes in length for primary care
physicians and up to 15 minutes for specialists.

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