Thursday, August 25, 2005

African-Americans, Hispanics influenced more by new media than whites

African-Americans, Hispanics influenced more by new media than whites
A higher percentage of African-Americans and Hispanics than whites are influenced in their purchasing decisions for medicines via new media, such as picture phones, instant messaging, and blogging, says Joe Pilotta, PhD, vice president of research for BIGresearch which conducted the study. "The new mobile lifestyle is much more a part of the Hispanic and African-American lifestyle than it is for whites," he tells ePharmaceuticals. Talking to others as an ongoing, everyday experience for social confirmation is more prevalent among Hispanics and African-Americans, he says. BIGresearch's "2005 Simultaneous Media Survey" also shows that word-of-mouth and reading an article have equal amounts of influence over all the three groups, and Pilotta says that those two methods are still more effective and better overall for medicine promotion and advertising. 
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