From Twitter 01-14-2010
- 00:25:31: Cool "social" social media campaign. However, I think ppl wld understand if they just sent the $5Million 2 Haiti. No?
- 00:26:51: @JaeSelle - very kind words, and thank you for the Shorty vote. :)
- 02:11:01: Thousands of Archived Tweets Mysteriously Disappear: (@mashable)
- 03:30:48: 8/6/45
- 04:08:11: Pearl Harbor '41 Hiroshima/Nakaswaki '45-46 Vietnanme '70s NYC 9/11 Andrew '92 Thaliand '04 Katrina '05 Haiti '10. Catastrophes defines us.
- 06:07:02: PUT #FDASM BACK ON TOP: Vote for @skypen in the Shorty Awards for #innnovation: (Please RT)
- 07:02:09: SUPPORT #FDASM: VOTE for @skypen in the Shorty Awards for #innnovation: (Please RT)
- 08:09:52: Join the #FDASM supporters & VOTE 4 @skypen in the Shorty Awards 4 #innnovation: Pls RT
- 09:07:29: Show your support for #FDASM by voting for @skypen in the Shorty Awards for #innnovation: - Spread the word!
- 11:01:29: @jilliantate - thank, you for the vote!
- 15:20:04: I lost track of who sent this to me, sorry! "No tweets please, we're British health workers": #fdasm
- 17:27:30: @leonardkish - thank you for your Shorty Award vote!
- 17:27:49: @MeredithGould - thank you for the RT on the Shorty Awards :)
- 17:28:36: @pharmaguy - Thanks for the many Shorty Award votes -- however, not only will they not be counted twice, many are not even counted once!
- 17:28:50: @xpetit - thank you for the Vote! Hope all is well.
- 17:29:10: @ellenhoenig - Thank you for the Shorty vote Ellen!
- 17:56:01: Slightly disagree 4 pharma, but still a TERRIFIC post: "5 REASONS WHY YOUR COMPANY DOESN’T NEED A SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY"
- 17:58:58: Oops -- last tweet on "5 Reasons Why Your Company Doesn’t Need a Social Media Policy" courtesy @PediatricInc gr8 find!
- 18:18:02: Twitter use grows internationally, US accounts for only 50%. See full chart: (@mashable)
- 18:20:05: Bloomberg: New iPhone with touch-sensitive casing coming:
- 18:43:45: If you have an iphone, I STRONGLY urge you to click here. What you will see will make you smile. LMK if you understand
- 22:46:13: Wow--terrific post Mark! Fascinating and insightful. "The Power of Twitter in Congress":
- 22:57:39: The ROI of wellness programs. Invest in your employees' health!
- 23:19:44: iPhone Vs. Google Phone: 7 Things The iPhone Has The Nexus One Doesn't:
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