Friday, April 14, 2006

PODCAST: Virgil Simons of "The Prostate Net"

Podcast: Virgil Simons on Building Grassroots WOM


Virgil Simons had a hunch. After recognizing that a barber is often the one person most men will talk about anything -- including personal medical problems -- he figured that they would make ideal agents in a word of mouth campaign. In this podcast, Virgil explains how his hunch paid off.


Virgil Simons is the Founder & President of The Prostate Net, a patient education and advocacy organization. Using the experiences gained in surviving prostate cancer, Virgil built an international organization that uses a matrix of informational techniques (Web site, 800#, email and personal team counselors, public forums, newsletters and community disease interventions) to address disease risk awareness and early disease interdiction.


To download the podcast, right-click the "Listen Now" icon and choose "Save As" or "Download Link Target"


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