Friday, April 20, 2007

Genentech-sponsored site aims to organize psoriasis volunteers

Genentech-sponsored site aims to organize psoriasis volunteers  
Genentech is sponsoring an online volunteer center for Psoriasis Cure Now, a nonprofit patient advocacy group. The site aims to mobilize psoriasis patients and their loved ones to volunteer on behalf of research and advocacy for the disease. Users complete an online questionnaire to determine the amount of time they can devote to the effort and the kinds of volunteer projects in which they want to be involved. Volunteers can choose activities such as speaking to the media about the disease, attending or starting patient support meetings, writing to lawmakers advocating for research, participating in a clinical trial, or helping with Psoriasis Cure Now fundraising efforts. Volunteers will be contacted by the organization only when a project meets their specifications. Genentech makes the psoriasis treatment Raptiva, and a link on the Psoriasis Cure Now Web site links to the Raptiva brand site.
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