Tuesday, May 15, 2007


The follow statements (in red) come from the website titled "GoodMagazine".  We stumbled upon on this magazine as we searched far for more online gutter video garbage... but what we found was beyond smart and innovative, it was provoking me to think.   I think it's worth digging deeper and exploring what GOOD is trying to do... So here's my lay of the land, bsaed on their own words:

Welcome to GOOD, media for people who give a damn

We see a growing number of people tied together not by age, career, background, or circumstance, but by a shared interest. This revolves around a passion for potential mixed with fierce pragmatism and creative engagement. We sum all this up as the sensibility of giving a damn. But to shorten it, let's call it GOOD. We're here to push this movement and cover its realization.

While so much of today's media is taking up our space, dumbing us down, and impeding our productivity, GOOD exists to add value. Through a print magazine, feature and documentary films, original multimedia content and local events, GOOD is providing a platform for the ideas, people, and businesses that are driving change in the world.

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Well here is a sample of what GOOD is capable of... and I have to say, it's damn good!
Over 500,000 views on YouTube Alone... 
This experiment captures a philosophical approach to communication that I belive can be applied to many different aspects of the communitcation business.  Let me know your thoughts. 
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A very brief history of GOOD

Ben Goldhirsh founded GOOD Magazine and Reason Pictures in 2004. Starting from the back of a small office in Los Angeles, momentum has been building steadily as a growing team works to craft their vision of GOOD. Both companies seek to create entertaining media that attracts broad audiences to content that matters. To learn more about our ongoing history, check out our blog.


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I have spent about 15 minutes interacting with this website, which is hardly what it deserves.  However,  have to say, I am impressed.  Most importantly, I am humbled.  Thank you "Good Magazine" for inspiring us to Give a Damn.  I'm not there yet, but you have opened the door for me.
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