Wednesday, May 16, 2007

'You' Trend Marches on with Custom Voicemail

'You' Trend Marches on with Custom Voicemail

source: Marketing VOX

YouMail, a growing hit among Gens X and Y, gives the forgotten art of voicemail a facelift, reports The Fayetteville Observer.
YouMail enables users to create personalized outgoing greetings tailored to specific callers. The service supports most major mobile carriers.  Users head to to create various outgoing messages, a practice that promotes site stickiness. Strong user interactivity enables the site to subsist on a diet of online advertising without imposing subscription costs on its clientele.
Users may also save voice messages. While a typical voicemail box deletes messages after about a month, YouMail acts as "an audio scrapbook, allowing users to forever save their daughter’s babbling first voice message, or the off-key but heartwarming recording of Grandma singing 'Happy Birthday,'" writes the Observer.
Organic word-of-mouth is considered the primary contributor to the service's spread and popularity.
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