Thursday, August 16, 2007

Viral Campaign: SPRINTCUTS can save you time, and make you laugh!

Spring launches Sprintcuts, tips that can save you precious time… In this funny video campaign, you not only learn unique tricks that do things faster – but you also can submit your own clip.  How does this all relate to SPRINT?   It’s all about time, right?  So if you can start making your free calls at 7PM, then you gain back 4 years of your life.  Who cares whether this is true or not, the point is that the tips are helpful, and the concept hits home a very simple point about sprint’s value.  In addition, you can have the clips sent directly to your cell phone.  Nice.  So what’s missing?  Well, for one you can’t grab these clips and easily post on your own blog or website.  Second, where are the user-generated clips that people can supposedly submit?  Will this be phase 2 of their campaign?  Either way, I give the effort 3 ½ out of 4 stars.  God job Sprint!


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